Thursday, October 25, 2012

Share your insights

Seen any good, or bad movies with your kids or husband lately?  Theater, red box or netflix.

Share you insights with us, with out spoiling the movie for those who haven't seen it.

Toy Swap Survey

What day and time would work best for people?

Is anyone interested in helping organize the big day?

Suggestions for a location?

Should the exchange be one for one?

Play dates

I'm sad to say we did not have any play dates this month.  But a new month is coming with lots of time to plan.

Who wants to host a play date in November?  We can do as many as one a week.

You pick the time and place (your house, park, ect)

November Field Trip

We had a great time at the Farm this month.  Can't wait for some fun next month.

Does anyone want to plan a field trip for November?

You pick the place, the date and time, and organize all the details.

Walking Group

The Walking group will be starting Next week Monday the 29th.

We are going to start with two days a week and see how that goes.  The other day will be Friday.

9am.  The starting location will be determined by those who want to participate.  If you would like to join the group please feel free to suggest a starting location.  (such as someone's home, a park, ect.)

November Mom's Lunch

This month's mom's lunch was GREAT!  We had a super turn out and a very yummy lunch.  Who would like to plan next's months mom's lunch?

You pick the date, and time and food.  (Remember it is Thanksgiving, so earlier in the month might be better.)

Girls Night Survey

Ok Ladies need some input.  The last two months of girls nights have been a bust.  They have been scheduled for the last Thursday of the month.  I thought having it the same night each month would make it easy for people to clear their schedule.  Here's what I would like to know.

How many even have interest in a girls night?

What night of the week works best?

Which part of the month works best?  ( Beginning, middle, end, doesn't matter)

Is once a month too much?

What time works best?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October Mom's lunch

This month's mom's lunch will be a Hawaiian Haystacks potluck.  11:00 am at Season Barnetts house.

We will need people to sign up for the following




Chow mein noodles

Other toppings you like on your haystacks




Don't forget a sack lunch for your kids.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Upcoming Activities

Heres whats going on for the next two weeks.

Wednesday 17th-  Tolmachoff farms field trip.  Meet at the farm at 10:45.

Wednesday 24th-  Mom's lunch.  Pack the kiddos a lunch and come enjoy a mom's lunch.  Season Barnetts home.

Thursday the 25th-  Girls night 7:00pm  April Hoyt's house

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Moms lunch Date

This months Mom's lunch will be hosted by Season Barnett.

October 24th, time to be announced.

Please let Season know if you will be coming, so she can have you sign up for a dish to bring.

Talmachoff Farms

We will be going to Tamachoff Farms Wednesday October 17th.  
The cost is $10 per person ages 1 and up. 

Our Tour starts at 11:00am.  The first 45 mins is an educational tour.  After that we will be on our own to explore the corn maze, have a train ride, pick a pumpkin out, play in the play area, and the petting zoo.  

They will also have a picnic area reserved for us to eat lunch.  If you are interested you can buy lunch there.  It is $3.50 per person and includes a hotdog, bag of chips and water or juice.  I have to let them know ahead of time if you are planning on getting the lunch.  So please let me know if you want to do this.  

Please let me know by this Friday if you plan on attending and how many will be coming.  

Call or email Mandi 623-328-9066

Book Review by Tia Hopper - Author Kristin Hannah

Book Review by Tia Hopper

Author Kristin Hannah

 She lives in Northern Washington and all of her books take place there. I personally love that living in Oregon because I can totally relate to the weather and picture her scenery she describes. Anyway, she is a fantastic author and each of her stories are so different in content. 

WARNING: You WILL cry in all of her books. Somehow she gets you sucked into the characters and the storyline that you feel for these characters when different challenges arise. 

One more warning: there are a few curse words in her books. It makes me sad because I could really do without them but they are mild and not a lot of them. I skim over them and figure it's way better than a PG-13 movie. However if you can't take ANY curse words, than this might not be for you. But I am LDS and don't curse and I still love the books. I would recommend any books by her but here are my top favorites. 

Night Road: A tragic event occurs to three teenagers right before their senior year of high school and they are faced to think about choices, friendships, motherhood and love. Very intriguing! 

The Winter Garden: 2 sisters are forced to build a deeper relationship with their mother and find out more about her mysterious past in Russia as a girl. Had a hard time putting this book down!

Home Front: This book is about a Mother who is in the Army National Guard and her marriage is falling apart. Then she is deployed to Iraq for a year and her and her husband have to figure out how they are going to cope with this change and realize what matters in life. 

Here is a link to her site.

Book Review by Tia Hopper

Book Review by Tia Hopper

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson 

(Little bit of a romance)

It has been a while since I read this book but really loved it and had a hard time putting it down. It focuses on love and becoming a new mother. Very relatable. I was so shocked a man could write this book as well as he did. Very good and quick read. 

There was a made for TV movie on it as well that you can watch in segments on youtube afterwards. It has Christina Applegate whom I love and really enjoyed it after reading the book. I thought they did a good job. Here is the link: